The Full Story
Money Moves is all about helping you get on the path to financial independence and having more confidence in your money story.
I'm Rachel Currie, the financial adviser helping you on this journey. I have been passionate about taking control of my finances and making my money work for me, ever since I was given the Barefoot Investor by Scott Pape to read. I have always been a saver, cautious about 'risky investments' but over the past few years, I have studied, read and listened to a wide variety of sources about how to invest and grow wealth, talking about it with anyone who would share in the discussion and testing different platforms and avenues that are on offer in NZ.​
My qualifications and experiences include:
Bachelor of Commerce
NZ Certificate in Financial Services (Investments)
Financial adviser
Fincap's Financial Mentor Introductory Course
Financial mentor
Buying an investment property
I want to share this knowledge with you and create a customised plan to suit your situation, your needs, your goals and to make it fit with your lifestyle. Reach out today to work with an adviser who will put you first, and give you the skills to find financial independence.

Let’s Work Together
Get in touch so we can start working together.